
Stella splendens in monte ut solis radium
miraculis serrato exaudi populum.

Concurrunt universi gaudentes populi
divites et egeni grandes et parvuli
ipsum ingrediuntur ut cernunt oculi
et inde revertuntur gracijis repleti.

Principes et magnates extirpe regia
saeculi potestates obtenta venia
peccaminum proclamant tundentes pectora
poplite flexo clamant hic: Ave Maria.

Llibre Vermell de Montserrat “Stella splendens” (fol. 22r)

険き山から 輝く星よ
陽の光のように   人々のことばを聴き給う
どんな人も満たされ 集まるだろう
富める者も 乏しき者も
老いた者も 幼き者も
わたしたちの目で  彼らの到着を見届けて
もう一度  声をあげましょう

quitan 2024 Additional Collection

Stylist: Ryota Yamada
Photograph: Riku Ikeya
Hair & Make Up: Kazuhiro Naka
Model: Daniel (ACTIVA), Xinqi (image)
Graphic Design: Hirofumi Abe

Design: Sae V. Miyata

There were overflowing numbers of "differences" in our world.
Those differences would have been rooted in their respective fields, not been disharmony.

Before the diversity was uniformed by modernization, what was the world like?

"Quitan" is a bricolage of such fellowships for beautiful cultures.


